Step one is complete. I will be on the ballot for the spring election on April 4, 2023! Miigwech and thank you to the 100 of you who signed my nomination papers, who fuel me with your words of support and wisdom, who have contributed financially, and who inspire me daily for this enormous opportunity and privilege to serve you as the Mayor of Monona. As a child, I never would have dreamed that I would have an opportunity to help others in such a significant way.
As a single parent of two children, one with a disability, as a first generation college student, as a past business owner of 10 years, as an Ojibway woman, and as a person who was raised in poverty by a single mom—these are voices that are seldom represented.
We all deserve to have a voice in our local politics. We all deserve to feel like there's someone at the decision making table who represents us. If you share any of these identities with me, I am here to be a voice for you, in addition to everyone else who has representation.
While I'm sending you gratitude for your support, please know the work is just beginning. If you'd like to support my campaign, here are ways you can help: financial donations, volunteer to knock doors, distribute signs, or help in other ways. Visit my website at https://www.goforthmonona.com/ to donate or sign up to volunteer.
My list of endorsers is over 100 and continues to grow! I am honored to have the support of Dane County Sheriff Kalvin Barrett, numerous county, city, and state leaders.
I'll close with a link to an Ojibwe thank you prayer. Stay well and I hope to see you soon! https://ojibwe.net/.../prayers.../miigwech-thank-you-prayer/
Yours in service,
Kristie Goforth, Candidate for Monona Mayor 2023
I have over 100 endorsements listed on my About page but it also takes donations to make this a reality. Will you donate today? No amount is too small for this grassroots effort. For Venmo users, use @KristieGoforth.
I have set a personal goal of knocking every door in Monona. Would you like to volunteer to be on my team? If so, please email me because the work starts now.