On Sunday, March 19th, the League of Women Voters and Monona Community Media hosted our candidate forums. They are available online for you to watch at your convenience. You can find the Mayoral Forum and the City Council Candidate Forum on YouTube on the Monona Community Media channel. I have included the links below for your convenience.
One note about something I mentioned in the forum. I said that I would have loved to see the Monona Transit issue on the ballot as an advisory referendum. In an advisory referendum, a legislative body places a proposed measure on the ballot to gauge the opinion of the electorate. The results of an advisory referendum are not binding, and governing bodies are not required to act in accordance with the majority opinion.
I committed to having an advisory referendum on every election ballot. Things like the decades long struggle of not knowing if people in Monona want sidewalks could be resolved through this democratic process. Surveys are great but the data can be skewed because one person can submit a survey on their desktop computer, their phone, their iPad, etc. Advisory referendums can help us gather accurate data on where the community sits on certain issues. It's a great and fair option for public input. And I believe your input is critical!
Mayoral Candidate Forum - watch here
City Council Candidate Forum - watch here
Election information for Monona voters
The April 4th election is just a couple weeks away. This link is to the City's website and contains all of the information you'll need for this upcoming election.
One thing to note regarding Ryan Claringbole's run for City Council. Ryan has been rehired as our Library Director so he is unable to fulfill his duty as a city council member should he be elected. BUT, it's important to note the process should he win. The other candidate on the ballot does not just get to take his spot on council. Instead, there likely would be an application open for people to apply to be appointed. This process has yet to be determined.
You may remember this happening when Mary O'Connor was first elected Mayor. She was a city council member so her election left a vacant seat on council. We had 12 people apply to be appointed which was very cool! So if this scenario happens and you have interest in serving, please consider applying. With a city council of only six people, we need to have people who want to serve the public in this capacity and bring unique skills forward.
Here is the exact process as detailed by our City Attorney:
Should Ryan win, it would not default to the next highest vote getter. Nor is it a mayoral appointment. The statute (s. 17.23) says aldermanic vacancies are filled by the common council, by majority vote. They can do any of the following three:
1. Appoint an individual to serve the remainder of the term; 2. Appoint an individual to serve until a special election is held; or 3. Allow the seat to remain vacant until the next regular election.
The statute does not specify any particular process for the council to use. It is up to the council to determine the process, assuming a majority can agree on one. During my tenure with Monona I believe this has occurred two or three times. Each time the Council elected to appoint an individual to serve the remainder of the term. I was requested to propose a process for the council to use.
I am so honored and proud to earn the following endorsements.

Want to support Kristie in her run for Mayor or request a yard sign? Click here!
I have about 30 signs left that need homes!
Yours in service,
Kristie Goforth, Candidate for Monona Mayor 2023
If you are in a position to make a donation, no amount is too small for this grassroots effort. For Venmo users, use @KristieGoforth. Paypal and ActBlue are also options for online donations. To send a check, make it to Friends of Kristie Goforth and mail it to PO Box 6594, Monona, WI 53716.